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Choosing the right digital device.
Increasing font size on your phone or computer.
Setting up a Facebook account.
Diagnosing issues with a digital device.
Setting up email accounts.
Connecting to Wi-Fi networks.
Installing software updates.
Troubleshooting internet connectivity issues.
Managing passwords securely.
Downloading and installing new apps.
Understanding online security and avoiding scams.
Setting up online banking.
Using online shopping platforms.
Learning how to use a smartphone.
Mastering video call apps like Zoom or Skype.
Navigating and using social media platforms.
Setting up and managing a Netflix account.
Using GPS navigation.
Setting up a printer.
Sending and receiving emails.
Using cloud storage.
Organising files on a computer.
Using a tablet effectively.
Sending text messages with emojis.
Listening to podcasts.
Exploring hobbies online.
Online safety and privacy settings.
Setting up a digital TV or cable.
Using photo editing tools.
Making online video calls.
Booking travel or accommodations online.
Listening to music on Spotify or Apple Music.
Using public transportation apps.
Using smart home devices.
Using fitness and health apps.
Understanding error messages on devices.
Setting up a new computer or laptop.
Using an iPad or other tablet.
Understanding what to do when a device freezes.
Registering for and using library e-services.
What is ChatGPT and how can I use it
Using a password manager.
Resetting a forgotten password.
Setting up and using FaceTime.
Using QR codes.
Using a home blood pressure monitor.
Setting up and using digital medical alert systems.
Sharing location with family members for safety.
Using mobile banking apps.
Using Google Maps or other navigation apps.
Creating an emergency medical ID on a smartphone.
Using the news app on a smartphone.
Setting up two-factor authentication.
Syncing devices with each other.
Setting up and using Google Photos or iCloud.
Adjusting screen brightness on devices.
Using note-taking apps.
Using Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online.
Managing spam in email.
Blocking unwanted calls or messages.
Getting started with meditation apps.
Ordering groceries or food delivery online.
Using online translation tools.
Recording a video message.
Learning how to use eBay or other online marketplaces.
Scanning documents with a phone.
Setting up a Fitbit or other health trackers.
Using an audiobook app like Audible.
Learning to use home automation apps.
Using an e-reader or Kindle.
Learning how to use a smartwatch.
Using digital personal assistant apps.
Setting up and using a virtual reality device.
Configuring an indoor or outdoor security camera.
Exploring your ancestry.
Using an online payment service like PayPal.
Recognising and avoiding phishing attempts.
Adjusting privacy settings on social media.
( Reach out if there is something you wish to cover that is not listed here )